Friday, April 19, 2013

In Selangor, another 'copycat' policy by BN

Despite the hue and cry by the BN Federal government that the Selangor state government's free water policy is a recipe for bankruptcy, Selangor BN today announced that it too would continue the policy if Selangorians reverted to the coalition at the coming polls.

The free water policy was introduced by the PR state government in 2008, soon after wresting the state from fifty years of BN control.

Not surprisingly, PR leaders immediately went to town mocking the latest 'copycat' announcement.

"They (BN) alleged that the country will be bankrupt because of PR’s manifesto, then why copy our manifesto at the Federal and state level which will bankrupt the country?” asked PAS Research Centre director Dzulkefly Ahmad.

“In the early days of PR’s administration, they made all sorts of allegations and criticism of the free water policy, claiming the state government was losing out. Why still copy Selangor PR’s programme and manifesto?”

In 2011, Energy, Green Technology and Water minister had argued that the free water policy was untenable and not beneficial to any parties.

On BN's offer to continue the policy, Dzulkefly reminded that the culture of cronyism and monopolisation was still thriving within the coalition.

“They can promise to give free water but the water management is still given to the water concessionaire (SYABAS), which is their crony. They should have been giving free water to people much earlier, but they had not because they had wanted to enrich their cronies,” he said. -HD

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  1. The idea is good, not harmful right?

  2. BN strongly understands its manifesto better than any other party.

  3. The most crucial thing is the possibility of implementing the importance of the manifesto as stated.

  4. BN manifesto is expected to benefit every citizen of this great nation.

  5. Continuing the policy and making it attainable is what matter the most.

  6. Let's see who makes it to the top afterwards.

  7. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata parti pembangkang yang kononnya mendakwa mereka adalah “pakatan” rakyat sebenarnya gagal berpakat, malah bertanding sesama sendiri di beberapa kawasan pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang akan diadakan pada 5 Mei ini.

  8. Perdana Menteri berkata jika untuk bertanding kerusi pilihan raya pun gagal berpakat, “apatah lagi untuk berpakat bagi mengendalikan pemerintahan negara.”

  9. “Pakatan pembangkang bukanlah satu gabungan yang boleh menjamin masa depan negara dan rakyat. Mereka bukanlah gabungan yang besar, gabungan yang satu, falsafah yang satu.

  10. “Ranap negara kita kalau kita beri kepercayaan kepada pihak pembangkang,” katanya ketika berucap merasmikan projek perumahan ” Sentuhan Kasih Felda” di Felda Chini Timur 2,

  11. Najib berkata rakyat perlu bijak menilai pakatan pembangkang kerana mereka tidak melakukan apa-apa pun untuk rakyat.

  12. Aku janji BN jayakan pembaharuan

    Manifesto Barisan Nasional yang akan dilancarkan di Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil, di sini Sabtu ini, berpaksikan agenda transformasi nasional dengan falsafah 1Malaysia, rakyat didahulukan dan pencapaian diutamakan.

    Berbeza dengan manifesto sebelum ini, pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13, BN buat kali pertama menampilkan manifesto Pusat selaku induk dan manifesto negeri secara serentak sebagai bukti komitmen parti itu melakukan pembaharuan secara menyeluruh.

  13. Selain itu, manifesto untuk pilihan raya umum kali ini juga dilancarkan lebih awal berbanding kebiasaan, bertujuan membolehkan rakyat menghayati, memahami dan menilai sendiri komitmen kerajaan BN yang sudah terbukti sejak empat tahun lalu.

    Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ketika mengumumkan perkara itu berkata, manifesto merupakan aku janji BN untuk terus menjayakan pembaharuan yang sesuai dengan matlamat memakmurkan ekonomi negara dan mensejahterakan rakyat.

  14. Katanya, selain manifesto induk, bagi manifesto negeri misalnya, BN berjanji menyelesaikan masalah air di Selangor; pembinaan stadium baharu, masjid terbesar serta lebuh raya Kuala Krai-Kota Bharu di Kelantan jika negeri tersebut berjaya dirampas.

    "Ini komitmen serius kerajaan BN dan kita telah membuktikan bila kita berjanji, kita tepati. Manifesto itu nanti lambang janji baharu kepada rakyat," katanya selepas mempengerusikan dua mesyuarat iaitu Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan Dewan Tertinggi BN di sini hari ini.

  15. Rakyat perlu nilai secara serius

    Rakyat perlu memandang serius aku janji Barisan Nasional (BN) kerana ia menyebut dengan jelas apa yang akan dilakukan parti itu dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang jika diberi mandat memimpin negara.

    Ini kerana berbeza dengan manifesto populis pembangkang yang terbukti sekadar janji kosong kerana banyak tidak ditunaikan sejak 2008, aku janji BN dinyatakan secara hitam putih bagi memperlihat komitmen serta iltizam parti itu.

  16. Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, aku janji tersebut dibuat dengan komprehensif bagi menerangkan kepada rakyat satu persatu mengenai 17 bidang utama yang bakal dilaksanakan untuk penggal akan datang.

  17. "Tentu rakyat yang bijaksana dapat menilai antara aku janji BN dengan manifesto pembangkang, mana satu yang boleh diyakini dan ditepati. Pastinya rakyat sedar bahawa hanya BN sahaja yang komited menunaikan segala janji-janji.

    "Apa yang dinyatakan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak adalah satu komitmen kerajaan serta parti BN untuk mengangkat martabat bangsa, agama dan negara Malaysia ke arah masa depan lebih gemilang," katanya.

  18. Dalam perkembangan yang sama Muhyiddin berkata, rekod pentadbiran BN di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri dalam menunai janji sejak empat tahun lalu harus menjadi panduan kepada rakyat ketika membuat penilaian.

    Katanya, beliau yakin pengundi dapat menilai parti mana yang jauh lebih komited dan mempunyai rekod cemerlang dalam mendahulukan rakyat kerana apabila diberi peluang mentadbir negara ternyata pakatan pembangkang telah gagal.

  19. A multi-faith society needs three things in order to be successful. Yes, it needs a constitution that guarantees freedom of religion – that's a given. But it also needs the rakyat to accept this idea at a personal level and the political parties agreeing to it at an ideological level. Only then can followers of minority faiths feel safe and at ease in their worship.

  20. So with GE13 within touching distance, it has to be asked: Which parties really stand for religious tolerance? They will all tell you they do, because no party gets to the eve of facing the people at general election saying, "by the way, the constitution is wrong". But whatever they claim, they can be judged by their track record and, yes, we are talking about PAS.

  21. This isn't the "Allah" controversy, because even the PM came out and said the word shouldn't be used in the Malay language Bible. This is about a petty official in Kota Baru issuing a summons against a teenager for giving his girlfriend a piggy-back.

  22. That Chinese teenager no doubt thought this act was acceptable within his faith and, given he didn't offend public morality, it was acceptable within the law. So all the public protestations by PAS in Kelantan that such a clampdown is all about decency defies belief as they should not exert what they consider acceptable or not under Islam on other faiths.

  23. This youth was been targeted because his behaviour didn't fit with a particular religious group's beliefs and that is, by definition, imposing one set of religious values on an individual of another faith. It is also known as religious intolerance.

  24. The same applies for unmarried couples sitting next to each other at the cinema – this is permitted amongst Christian denominations, so what would be the motive for stopping it, as occurred in Selangor last year?

  25. And what about those who believe it within the bounds of their religious faith to have their hair cut by a member of the opposite sex? Or want to see Elton John (targeted by PAS because he is homosexual), or Beyonce (promotes hedonism)? And what about sending a Valentine's Day card to someone special?

  26. PAS wants to stop all of this and doesn't care if it means interfering with the freedom allowed under other faiths. This is the big difference from its quest for hudud, which it argues – for now at least – is only for Muslims.

  27. Despite notionally signing up to the idea of freedom of religion, the behaviour of PAS tells us that even if they don't want everyone to convert to Islam on day one of a Pakatan Government, they sure want everyone to be ruled by its definitions of what is acceptable.

  28. And remember, this is the same PAS that hopes to contest up to 90 federal seats at GE13 and is so confident of emerging stronger within a Pakatan Government that still it talks of party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang being Prime Minister.

  29. he political leader in Malaysia who has unimpeachable credentials on the issue of religious tolerance is Datuk Seri Najib Razak. He has staked his entire reputation on the idea of religious tolerance with his Global Movement of Moderates.

  30. That's why Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs so publicly support his leadership. He is living proof that a nation can have Islam as its dominant religion and still be tolerant and cohesive.

  31. Pakatan Rakyat can't make that claim as long as PAS is in the picture.

  32. jika BN dpt laksanakan ia tak jadi masalah.

  33. Datuk Seri Najib Razak today kicked off his nationwide “go down to the grassroots” tour to garner support for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the May 5 general election.

  34. The prime minister’s first stop was in Selangor where he met constituents in the Selayang parliamentary constituency at Bandar Baru Selayang this morning.

    Najib, who arrived on a special bus bearing the inspirational phrase “Menepati Janji Membawa Harapan (Promises Fulfilled Giving Hope), was greeted by come 2,000 enthusiastic and cheerful people.

  35. Clad in a dark blue shirt and a white cap, Najib spent about 30 minutes shaking hands and mingling with the crowd before having breakfast with the people at Restoran Rumpun Selera.

  36. The BN candidate for Selayang is Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai and the aspirants for the three state seats are Datuk Abdul Shukur Idrus (Kuang), Lee Li Yew (Rawang) and Datuk Seri Subahan Kamal (Taman Templer).

    Najib, who is also BN chairman, has a tight programme in Selangor today.

  37. Later, he proceeded to the neighbouring Gombak parliamentary constituency to meet the electorate there.

    Najib, who is also Selangor BN chairman, will also meet the people in Kota Raja, Shah Alam and Subang parliamentary constituencies later today

  38. Isu air harus ditanggani dengan wajar.

  39. Adakah pembangkang gagal melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya?

  40. Manifesto BN amat positif.

  41. Kami menantikan sama ada manifesto Bn atau pembangkang yang lebih menarik perhatian rakyat dan memberi undiannya.

  42. I think rakyat sudah sedar bahawa perubahan pemilihan amat memanfaatkan rakyat.

  43. Kenyataan pembangkang bahawa Barisan Nasional meniru manifesto Pakatan Rakyat adalah tidak berasas.-Ahmad Maslan

  44. 17 perkara yang diketengahkan dalam manifesto BN yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sangat berbeza dengan manifesto pembangkang.

  45. Kerajaan membuat kajian dalam tempoh yang agak panjang dan ia melambangkan kekuatan kerajaan dalam masa empat tahun memerintah.

  46. “Kita bukan tiru dia. Manifesto mereka baru beberapa minggu yang lepas sedangkan dalam manifesto kita ini telah tercatat perkara-perkara semenjak Datuk Seri Najib mula memerintah negara ini,” kata Ahmad Maslan.

  47. BN bakal menempatkan seramai 10 penceramah di setiap Parlimen bagi tujuan pendedahan umum untuk memahami manifesto yang telah dilancarkan.


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