Saturday, April 27, 2013

MCA chief blasts Pak Lah for being Islamic

MCA president Chua Soi Lek has resorted to lambasting his former boss Abdullah Badawi, under whose leadership Chua was once forced to resign from the government following his sex scandal.

Amid latest survey results pointing to opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's popularity compared to Najib Razak for the prime minister post, Chua set out to make a point by taking a dip at Pak Lah's educational background.

He said Pak Lah was educated in Islamic Studies and as such did not know about economics [sic].

"When Pak Lah led the country, every day he would talk about Islam Hadhari (progressive Islam) but never about the economy," he lamented. 'Islam Hadhari' is Pak Lah's prime ministerial slogan before it was replaced with Najib's '1Malaysia' battlecry soon after the latter took over in 2009.

Saying Anwar also comes from similar religious background, Chua, who has in the past invited condemnations for publicly berating Islamic values, Chua said Najib's rule was however different.

"They [Pak Lah and Anwar] don't know about the economy, they only talk about doa (prayers)," said the MCA chief as quoted by news portal Malaysiakini.

In 2008, announcing his resignation from all party and government posts weeks before the general election saw MCA losing most of the seats it contested, Chua said that his decision was in the context of Islam Hadhari.

"I am afraid if I continue to hold the positions in the government or the party, it would be a burden to the government and the party, especially in the context of Islam Hadhari and healthy political culture mooted by my party president (Ong Ka Ting)," the then MCA vice-president had told newsmen.

Yesterday, University of Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections revealed that Anwar was the favourite for the post of prime minister ahead of Najib. The survey had interviewed some 1,407 respondents in Peninsular Malaysia between the day parliament was dissolved (April 3) and nomination day on April 20.


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  1. Pas yang telah menukar dasar perjuangannya menegakkan sebuah negara Islam kepada negara berkebajikan, merupakan sebuah parti yang semakin keliru dan turut mengelirukan kalangan anggota dan penyokongnya sendiri.

  2. Pas berada dalam keadaan itu kerana ia mempercayai pembohongan yang diciptanya sendiri.

  3. Paling jelas pembohongan para pemimpinnya bahawa DAP sedia menerima pelaksanaan hukum Hudud di negara ini sedangkan DAP berkali-kali menyatakan penentangannya demikian kata-kata daripada penganalisis politik Dr Ibrahim Ghafar

  4. Orang yang mengulangi pembohongannya berkali-kali akhirnya dia sendiri akan mempercayainya sebagai benar.

  5. Mengulas kenyataan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bahawa Pas naif untuk percaya bahawa DAP setuju melaksanakan hukum Hudud, Ibrahim berkata memang benar bahawa setiap kali pilihan raya Pas akan memainkan isu hukum Hudud kerana tidak mahu kehilangan sokongan pengundi Melayu.

  6. “Sebenarnya kedua-dua parti ini hanya bermain sandiwara, main sorong tarik atas suatu hal yang sememangnya kedua-duanya hanya menjadikannya isu untuk ditunggangi semasa pilihan raya. Dalam manifesto pembangkang pun tidak dinyatakan akan melaksanakan hukum Hudud,”

  7. Begitu juga dengan kesediaan awal DAP menggunakan simbol bulan pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 ini yang dipercayai sepenuhnya pucuk pimpinan dan penyokong Pas tanpa berfikir mengenai mesej sebenar yang ingin disampaikan DAP.

  8. “Mesej DAP mudah saja… bahawa Pas bukan saja tunduk kepada telunjuk DAP dalam soal setuju membenarkan kalimah Allah digunakan dalam bible versi bahasa Melayu malah sampai ke tahap sanggup membenarkan pula rumah tangganya dipergunakan sepenuhnya oleh parti itu dengan berleluasa,”

  9. DAP sudah berjaya memaksa PAS menukar dasar perjuangannya. Mereka pandai mengambil kesempatan daripada keadaan PAS yang sangat keliru pada masa ini.

  10. Disebabkan itu pengundiperlu berhati-hati dalam mempertimbang parti mana yang akan diundi. Pas bukanlah sebuah parti yang boleh diharap untuk memperjuangkan Islam dan kepentingan umat Melayu secara yang benar.

  11. Dr Ibrahim Ghafar berkata ini kerana tiada kebijaksanaan dalam PAS untuk menangani isu-isu mendasar bagi orang melayu dan umat Islam. Tidak ada kalangan pucuk pimpinan Pas sekarang yang mampu bertindak bijak ibarat pepatah menarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut jangan putus, tepung jangan berterabur

  12. Kekeliruan Pas jauh berbeza dengan ketenangan dan kecerdasan dalam UMNO dan rakan-rakan parti komponennya yang konsisten memperjuangkan hal-hal yang lebih utama membangunkan negara dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat.

  13. Tinggal kurang tujuh tahun saja lagi kita perlu bekerja keras untuk mencapai matlamat Wawasan 2020, menjadi negara maju berpendapatan tinggi dan kerajaan Barisan Nasional sudah pun meletakkan Malaysia di landasan yang tepat.

  14. Janganlah sekali-kali kita cuba-cuba memperjudikan nasib kepada pakatan yang sebetulnya tidak sepakat, yang sehingga kini semakin keliru dan semakin jauh daripada mendapat berkat

  15. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata Dasar Transformasi Nasional yang diperkenal kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) jauh lebih baik daripada ‘laungan reformasi’ dan demonstrasi yang dibawa pembangkang.

  16. Rakyat sudah dapat lihat bahawa hari ini lebih baik daripada semalam. Hari esok, dan hari mendatang akan lebih bersinar daripada hari ini kerana transformasi (nasional) berjalan lebih baik dan berkesan. Dengan adanya bantuanRakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) yang telah meyakinkan dan menguntungkan rakyat.

  17. Freedom of religion is the basic foundation of any multi-religious society, and so it is in Malaysia. The need for this was laid bare in January with the unseemly squabble within Pakatan Rakyat over the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims. So now, in the lead up to GE13, we have to ask the question: Which side will be more capable of ensuring our freedom of religion?

  18. Is it Pakatan, which is still unable to agree on whether non-Muslims can use "Allah" in their religious books, or is it Barisan Nasional, which is committed to all communities participating in the nation's development through 1Malaysia?

  19. Pakatan's manifesto pledges to ensure the right to freedom of religion, without specifying exactly how it plans to do so.

  20. BN, on the other hand, makes specific commitments in its manifesto: it pledges to assign jurisdiction over non-Muslim matters to a Minister in the PM's Department, to increase tax exemptions for contributions to the construction, expansion, and upkeep of places of worship, to allocate land for the building of places of worship, and to provide financial assistance to all religious institutions.

  21. Take, for instance, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's visit to Petaling Jaya Gurdwara to celebrate Vaisakhi with the Sikh community last weekend. Can you imagine Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, or any other Pakatan PM hopeful ever doing this?

  22. No, because Pakatan leaders don't like to think outside their own religious boxes. Yes, they would show up at a Chinese New Year celebration, but only because it was politically necessary. Even in such a case, the PAS-led Kedah government issued "guidelines" on how female performers should cover up at Chinese New Year celebrations.

  23. In the case of the Sikh community, which numbers a mere 100,000 in Malaysia, Anwar and Hadi probably thought there was no political reason for them to be there, so they decided to ignore the Sikh New Year.

  24. Not so Najib, who has made it clear that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians. The nation's leader is, after all, a position that is above the boundaries of religion, class, race and community.

  25. In comparison, DAP and PAS still cling on to their rigid mindsets, unable to decide on whether a Pakatan government would allow non-Muslims, such as Christians and Sikhs, to use the word "Allah". The coalition has also not made it clear whether it would implement hudud nationally, as PAS is adamant it intends to do so.

  26. Buat apa lagi mahu kaitkan hal lama. Sekarang ini dari asyik mencari salah bukankah lebih baik fikir macam mana mahu perbaiki keadaan???

  27. Makin lama macam makin menjadi-jadi pula sikap menunding jari ni. huhuhu

  28. Jika agama pun dipolitikkan, saya tidak hairan kalau negara kita akan hancur. Sepatutnya hidup dalam negara majmuk harus punya persefahaman yang kuat tapi ni tak masing-masing mahu jadi hero.

  29. Semoga rakyat taklah terlalu taksub dengan pegangan politik masing-masing. Elakkanlah persengketaan.

  30. Si Chua ni macam tidak ada kerja lain lah pula... Tak payahlah banyak komen Chua, Najib pun tak cakap apa-apa juga & dia pun terus berusaha daripada buang masa mahu blame bekas PM.

  31. Tun Mahathir tersilap pilih pengganti masa dia bersara. Sepatutnya dia pilih Najib bukan Abdullah Badawai.

  32. jgn mainkan isu agama sebagai bahan politk

  33. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, rakyat tidak menolak Barisan Nasional (BN) sebaliknya menolak kepemimpinan yang tidak dekat di hati mereka.

  34. Menurut Perdana Menteri, sekiranya seseorang pemimpin itu tahu bagaimana mengabdikan diri kepada rakyat, mereka akan tetap mengingati dan memberi sokongan berterusan kepada pemimpin itu dan parti.

  35. Najib memberi contoh bagaimana beliau sendiri memperoleh kembali sokongan padu rakyat pada pilihan raya umum lalu apabila mendapat majoriti terbesar lebih 26,000 undi, selepas dilanda ‘tsunami’ politik pada pilihan raya umum 1999 dengan hanya memperoleh majoriti 241 undi.

  36. “Sokongan padu itu berjaya diperoleh kembali selepas saya melakukan banyak perubahan termasuk lebih kerap turun padang dan mengadakan program mendekati rakyat selain menjaga kebajikan mereka.

  37. Prinsip mengabdikan diri kepada rakyat perlu dijadikan ikutan tetapi perlu menggunakan pendekatan yang bersesuaian.

  38. Perdana Menteri berkata, semua wakil rakyat perlu mendampingi dan mengutamakan rakyat dalam setiap gerak kerja sama ada mereka memegang jawatan atau sebaliknya dalam kerajaan.

  39. “Kalau kita berbuat demikian, kita bukan saja mendekatkan hubungan kita dengan rakyat tetapi kita akan dapat tahu masalah mereka dan kita meleraikan kekusutan-kekusutan yang dihadapi tanpa menunggu waktu pilihan raya,” katanya.

  40. MCA harus undur dan keluar dari politik. Lihat apa yang MCA buat untuk bangsa cina?

  41. Rakyat tolak pemimpin yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

  42. "They [Pak Lah and Anwar] don't know about the economy, they only talk about doa (prayers)," said the MCA chief as quoted by news portal Malaysiakini.

    Indeed personal attack.

  43. Isu agama tidak harus diungkit dan dikaitkan.

  44. Anwar indeed a smart leader.

  45. Anwar indeed a smart leader??
    Unfortunately, Anuar was sentenced to six year to prison for corruption (abuse of power).

  46. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:05 PM

    The “stigma” of being linked to a sex scandal years ago still haunts MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and the party he leads, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has said.

  47. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    Ong was commenting on the reasons for MCA’s dismal performance in Election 2013, where the party had won only seven federal seats and 11 state seats, a far poorer result compared to its 2008 win of 15 federal seats and 32 state seats.

  48. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    Ong said it was unfair to comment on whether MCA could have had a better performance at the polls without Dr Chua, who yesterday said that he will be accountable for MCA’s results and will quit his post between this June and December.

  49. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    “I do not think it is fair at this juncture to say the situation would be less disastrous or not without him at the helm, but one thing that I could see clearly - and this is not just my personal observation, but rather a common observation among many party insiders, especially the ones who participated in the electoral canvassing - is that his stigma, so to speak, is still haunting him and the party,” the former MCA president told the New Sunday Times (NST) in an interview published today.

  50. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    When asked whether he was referring to Dr Chua’s stigma over a “sex DVD”, Ong agreed.

  51. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    “Yes, I saw with my own eyes how people reacted - not just among urban folk, but also rural (folk).

    “People are still talking about it, despite the fact that he thought he had been cleansed by his so-called proactive owning up or confession (that he was the person in the DVD),” the five-term Pandan MP said.

  52. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    In late 2007, video copies of Dr Chua engaged in sex acts with his mistress were circulated publicly, and led to his resignation as the health minister.

  53. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:15 PM

    Dr Chua was also not fielded as a candidate in Election 2008, but later made a political comeback in MCA.

    Ong was elected to head the party in 2008, but a power struggle within MCA led to a re-election in 2010 where Dr Chua won and took over as MCA president.

  54. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    Throughout the interview, Ong did not put the entire blame for MCA’s weak results on Dr Chua’s shoulders, but agreed with the interviewer that Dr Chua’s “arrogance and alleged cronynism” had partly contributed to the lacklustre polls results.

  55. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    He said the public were concerned with the relevance of the party, hinting that MCA should look beyond the interests of the Chinese community.

  56. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    “When we talk about the relevance of the party, as a component party of the ruling coalition, people would expect you to be proactive and effective, and not just on issues confronting a particular community,” he said.

  57. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:17 PM

    Ong agreed that the opposition had attacked MCA by using the party’s sidelining of him as a candidate for the Pandan federal seat.

  58. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:17 PM

    “Yes. In fact, much to my dismay and certainly, this is beyond my anticipation, the exclusion of my name from the MCA and Barisan Nasional candidates’ list has been exploited to the hilt by the opposition campaigners.

  59. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    “And it was not just confined to Pandan, but happened nationwide, especially in Chinese-majority areas,” Ong said.

  60. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    It is understood that Ong and Dr Chua have a less than cordial relationship, with lawyer Gary Lim finally fielded as the MCA candidate for Pandan despite Ong’s personal popularity among his constituents there.

  61. Sex maniac want to talk Religious?!!October 22, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    PKR’s Rafizi Ramli won a resounding victory in the Pandan seat last Sunday, defeating Gary Lim with a 26,729 majority after he polled 48,183 votes to Lim’s 21,454. Ong’s former private secretary Allan Tan, who had contested as an independent, lost his depostit.

  62. Chinese Malaysians don't give a damn about CSL and MCA which includes OTK. The Chinese, like other Malaysians are sick and tired of corruption, abuse of powers, lies, deceit, incompetence, cronyism and arrogance amongst umno/bn members who think we owe them our lives. This country is in a major crisis and we are all victims irrespective of race and religion.
    As long as mca remains a slave, mouthpiece and lapdog of umno, it will remain irrelevant and useless.

  63. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:29 PM

    Dr Chua Soi Lek admits to being the man in sex DVD

  64. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:30 PM

    DATUK Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek is the man in the sex DVD circulating in Johor.

    The Health Minister admitted this yesterday, saying that the woman seen in the DVD is a personal friend.

  65. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:31 PM

    Dr Chua's wife Datin Seri Wong Sek Hin said in a statement that she and the family would stand by him.

  66. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:34 PM

    Soi Lek should not be BN candidate because of sex scandal, says Tee Keat

  67. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:34 PM

    Former MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has said his successor Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek is not a “winnable candidate,” pointing out that the former health minister’s 2007 sex scandal will be a major liability in the general election expected to be called soon.

  68. Sex Maniac that is power crazy!October 22, 2013 at 4:35 PM

    Rumours have been swirling since February that Ong will also be dropped but the Pandan MP told The Malaysian Insider in an interview this week that Dr Chua’s 2007 sex video scandal will continue to plague the MCA president and Barisan Nasional (BN).


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