Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ex-general has assured Anwar will be safely sworn-in if PR wins

Ex-general has assured Anwar will be safely sworn-in if PR wins - Kee KwongOne reason why the latest movement in town 'Malaysian Spring' is making waves may be because its message of peaceful change through peaceful means resonates deeply with the hearts of many Malaysians. Indeed 'change' seems to be what many people in the country want.

The message of change is especially poignant now as rumors reverberated around the country that should Prime Minister Najib Razak and his scandal-tainted Umno-BN coalition lose their hold on power, there could be chaos, unrest and even violence.

Tan Kee Kwong, a senior PKR leader who played 'host' to the Malaysian Spring movement at Wangsa Maju on Saturday, urged for calm. He is confident that the Pakatan Rakyat coalition led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will sweep to power, and the changing of guard will be a peaceful one.

"General Ghaffir spoke at the ceramah (political rally the night before) and he said, on behalf of the army we will make sure that we will escort Anwar Ibrahim from his house in Bukit Segambut safely to 'angkat sumpah' (take his oath) in the King's palace which is not very far away. He said he has worked with the police for 30 over years and he believes the police will do their jobs professionally and in a neutral manner," Kee Kwong told Malaysia Chronicle.

"So we urge for calm because there are all sorts of slanders going on - stock up lah , there will rusuhan (riots) lah, Tanda Putera (movie of the May 13, 1969 racial riots), what have you! But the people are not scared. Let me tell you a personal story about a former neighbor, a lady lawyer. Last time we talked about it, she would be very scared but this time I met her, 'if there is violence, so be it'. I was surprised, shocked because they are very very rich but she said, 'No we are not running away."

Kee Kwong, the PKR candidate for the Wangsa Maju parliamentary seat, was referring to retired Lt General Abdul Ghaffir Abdul Hamid, who together with a growing group of senior ex-military officers have spoken out against the scare-mongering tactics deployed by the Umno-BN.

Alarmed at the barely-veiled intimidation, the group of retired military men have promised to use their still strong influence to ensure their former staff practiced fair play when the crunch came.

Malaysia is due to hold its 13th general election on May 5. GE13 is expected to be the 'dirtiest' ever in the nation's history, with Najib and the Umno-BN having already declared they would defend their 55-year-old stranglehold on the federal government "at all costs" and even if it meant "crushed bodies" and "lost lives".

Hope and peace transcends the vested interests of any political regime

Lightening the political atmosphere with creative initiatives aimed to remind the nation that hope and peace transcended politics and the vested interests of any one group, including the once mighty Umno-BN, the apolitical Malaysian Spring has managed to strike a chord with the citizenry. Its presence is starting to be felt around the nation's capital.

A lot of its impact is due to the simplicity of its modus operandi. The group conveys its message by planting colorful flags in the ground to look like spring flowers, and this has charmed many ordinary citizens into volunteering their time and services.

"This group of residents from this area Wangsa Maju is very passionate about what is happening to the country. They are the Malaysian Spring. Spring in Chinese represents change. And in Malay, it's called the 'musim bunga' (season of flowers). That's why it is so brightly colored. This 'musim bunga' means that from one season to the next step, there must be changes," Datin Anne Tan, who is Kee Kwong's wife, told Malaysia Chronicle.

"And that's what this group led by Mr Leong Heng Chee (in Wangsa) explained to me. The group is actually an apolitical group of people. They say they just want the change. Whichever party (does not matter), they just want the change and therefore they want some nice beautiful new ideas, new things happening to this country."

-Malaysia Chronicle

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  1. Berebut Kerusi Bukti Kepincangan Pakatan Pembangkang

    Perebutan dalam kalangan parti pakatan pembangkang untuk bertanding di kerusi Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menunjukkan kepincangan mereka dan tiada muafakat.

    Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata kalangan parti pembangkang kini berebut-rebut untuk meletakkan calon mereka disebabkan pemimpin masing-masing ingin menjadi perdana menteri.

    Katanya walaupun dahulu kalangan mereka mendakwa ada persetujuan tetapi apabila tiba pilihan raya umum, masing-masing menyifatkan tidak terikat dengan persetujuan itu.

    Berebut Kerusi Bukti Kepincangan Pakatan Pembangkang

    “Ini menunjukkan mereka tiada muafakat, berebut-rebut ingin mendapatkan kerusi Parlimen dan DUN. Masing-masing mahu menjadi Perdana Menteri, jadi kalau parti mereka menang banyak mereka ada hak menuntut menjadi Perdana Menteri

    “Sebab itu Parti Keadilan Rakyat mahu bertanding, DAP mau bertanding, PAS nak tanding walaupun dahulunya ada persetujuan tetapi masing-masing fikir itu tidak terikat,” katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Pelan Transformasi Pendidikan Sekolah Pedalaman Sabah dan Sarawak di Pentas Rakyat Paitan di sini Khamis.

    Muhyiddin yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional (BN) berkata berbeza dengan BN, kalangan parti komponennya sepakat dalam soal pemilihan calon dan dalam menentukan pembahagian kerusi Parlimen dan DUN.

  2. Berebut Kerusi Bukti Kepincangan Pakatan Pembangkang

    Katanya soal persefahaman dan permuafakatan menjadi perbezaan besar antara BN dan pakatan pembangkang.

    “BN mementingkan persefahaman dan permuafakatan dalam apa juga keputusan bagi memastikan kemenangan setiap calon mewakili BN,” katanya.

    Mengenai calon parti pakatan pembangkang di Sabah yang akan bertanding lebih seorang di kerusi Parlimen dan DUN tertentu, Muhyiddin berkata BN tidak gentar dan bersedia menghadapi mereka.

    Katanya lebih ramai calon pembangkang yang bertanding lebih meriah tetapi calon BN hanya seorang di setiap kerusi Parlimen dan DUN.

    Penamaan calon bagi pilihan raya umum ke-13 ditetapkan Sabtu ini dan pengundian 5 Mei.

  3. Makin Caca Merba… Pemimpin Pakatan Perlekeh Calon Parti Pakatan Sendiri

    Sehingga tamat proses penamaan calon pada 20 April 2013, terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 7 kerusi DUN & Parlimen yang menyaksikan pertindihan calon membabitkan PAS dan PKR.

    Pertindihan yang berlaku ini melibatkan satu kawasan Parlimen dan 6 DUN di beberapa negeri seperti Johor, Pulau Pinang, Terengganu, Sabah dan Selangor, menyebabkan ramai penyokong PR pening memikirkan puncanya.

    Kebanyakan kerusi yang bertindih calon ini secara umumnya kuota untuk PKR tetapi dipertikaikan oleh PAS kerana merasakan jenteranya lebih kuat di kawasan terlibat.

    Namun menurut Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang pula, pertindihan ini sengaja dilakukan kononnya untuk menghalang kemasukan syaitan sambil mengaitkan peristiwa kejatuhan PR di Perak pada awal 2009.

    Makin Caca Merba… Pemimpin Pakatan Perlekeh Calon Parti Pakatan Sendiri

    Katanya, “inilah sebabnya bertindak bertanding itu…nak menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat, kita tak mahu jadi macam Perak, perintah sekejap pastu jatuh, PAS bertindak, PAS tetap bersama Pakatan Rakyat.”

    “PAS bertindak untuk memelihara, keteguhan bukan saja masa pilihan raya, keteguhan selepas kita diberikan kemenangan oleh Allah SWT, supaya syaitan-syaitan tidak boleh masuk Pakatan Rakyat.”

    Bijak alasan spin yang diberikan Hadi apabila mengaitkannya dengan isu kejatuhan PR di Perak kemudian disabitkan pula syaitan semata-mata untuk meredakan keresahan yang sedang membuak-buak di kalangan penyokong PR khususnya PKR tika ini.

    Makin Caca Merba… Pemimpin Pakatan Perlekeh Calon Parti Pakatan Sendiri

    Tapi sedar tak sedar, Hadi sebenarnya meluahkan keraguan PAS terhadap calon-calon PKR, dengan kata lain, penjelasan yang dibuatnya itu mengesahkan lagi betapa selama ini PAS memang tidak percaya dengan kesetiaan pemimpin PKR.

    Sesebuah pakatan andainya tidak wujud kepercayaan sesama rakan sepakatan, itu tanda tiada nilai kerjasama utuh di kalangan mereka. Pakatan sedemikian takkan bertahan lama, tiba masanya masing-masing akan bercakaran.

    Apa yang berlaku ini memberi gambaran jelas betapa tidak sepakatnya PR untuk menghadapi PRU-13, gabungan rapuh sebegini mustahil untuk mendapat kepercayaan rakyat apatah lagi untuk diberi tanggungjawab menerajui negara.

    Justeru itu, tak usahlah PR berangan lagi untuk menang pada PRU-13, sebaliknya lebih baik masing-masing bersiap siaga untuk menghadapi perang sesama sendiri yang dijangkakan berlaku selepas PRU ini kelak.

  4. The Election Commission (EC) must denounce all instances of political violence ahead of the May 5 general election to ensure Malaysians may vote freely and safely, electoral watchdog Bersih said today.

  5. With six days until the general election that is touted to be the tightest electoral race in recent history, the group told political parties to stop feeding recent violent incidents like petrol bombing, death threats, as well as “fear mongering” that incite racial and religious tension.

  6. “Any political divide that instils fear is a bankrupt political party,” Bersih special committee co-chair Irene Fernandez told reporters at Pusat Komas here today.

  7. “All elements that fuel political violence and create fear must be avoided,” she added, pointing out that such incidents were an election offence if they deterred people from voting this Sunday.

  8. The human rights activist also condemned MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek for blaming the opposition for the violence and saying that Barisan Nasional (BN) members may react in the same way.

  9. True if PR win. "IF" is only a day dreaming. The facts is PR is in no way to win the election.

    Lain kali lah PR okey.


    Kalau korang perasan satu benda sekarang ni, Pakatan sedang mewar-warkan yang mereka akan menang kerajaan. Walau pada hakikatnya di luar sana keadaan yang sebenar adalah sebaliknya. Ramia dah tahu siapa Pakatan yang sebenarnya. Jadi rakyat dah mula tolak.


    Tapi Pakatan secara terus-terusan kata mereka akan menang besar, aku pernah tulis dulu. Anwar sudah arahkan semua pemimpin Pakatan supaya menjual cerita mereka akan menang besar dalam PRU ini dan akan menjadi kerajaan. Sekarang aku nak share dnegan korang perancangan rapi mereka.


    Bilamana mereka kalah nanti, maka mereka akan salahkan SPR dan BN kerana pengundian dibuat secara tidak adil! Ini cerita mereka, maka si Anwar dan pemimpin Pakatan lain akan membakar rakyat supaya turun ke jalan dan jatuhkan kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat! Salah satu petanda mereka nak mulakan Kunyit Spring adalah seperti berikut:

    Pakatan Rakyat terutama sekali DAP dan PKR tidak pernah menafikan bahawa mereka mahukan sebuah revolusi untuk menggulingkan kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat selepas PRU13. Seawal 16 September 2008 lagi, Anwar Ibrahim sudah melakukan hasutan secara agresif agar rakyat Malaysia turun ke jalan-jalanraya dan melakukan keganasan selain memburuk-burukkan Kerajaan Malaysia di luar negara dengan harapan, segala bantuan untuk revolusi seperti yang berlaku di Timur Tengah, berlaku pula di Malaysia.


    Gelombang ini sebenarnya sudah bermula di Eropah sehingga menjatuhkan banyak kerajaan Komunis. Kaedah yang sama telah diadaptasi di Timur Tengah untuk menggulingkan kerajaan kukubesi sekalipun kerajaan kukubesi tersebut telah membolehkan negara-negara berkenaan dimajukan dan kestabilan diwujudkan.


    Sehingga kini, gelombang kebangkitan rakyat kononnya telah menghasilkan kekacauan di negara-negara Timur Tengah tanpa sebarang tanda, keagungan yang dimitoskan akan terhasil. Libya masih bergolak. Iraq sehingga kini masih lagi menjadi medan pembunuhan. Mesir masih tidak aman. Yaman masih merupakan negara miskin dan Syria pula kekal sebagai negara yang bergolak demi memastikan Israel kekal sebagai sebuah negara haram Zionis.


    Di Malaysia, perkara yang sama juga sedang berlaku. Beberapa cubaan untuk mewujudkan gelombang yang lebih besar menerusi demonstrasi dan kekacauan jalanan, tidak mendapat sambutan yang diharapkan daripada rakyat Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia yang rata-rata hidup selesa, mudah cari makan, dengan kerja kosong membolehkan rakyat Malaysia bertukar-tukar kerja seperti menukar pakaian, keadaan aman dan membolehkan sesiapa sahaja beribadat dengan tenang dan tanpa halangan, serta kurang tekanan, menyebabkan acuman serta hasutan Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat kurang mendapat perhatian.


    Namun itu tidak mematahkan semangat Anwar Ibrahim dan DAP khususnya. Di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, terutama di kawasan yang dikuasai oleh DAP, bendera-bendera kecil berwarna warni telah dikesan. Pagi tadi, bendera-bendera kecil berwarna-warni itu dikesan di persimpangan Jalan Genting Kelang dan Jalan Usahawan yang membawa maksud ‘Malaysia Spring’. Kawasan ini berada di bawah Parlimen Wangsa Maju.


    Adalah difahamkan ia dipacak oleh kumpulan pelajar-pelajar berbangsa Cina. Kerja-kerja memacak bendera-bendera kecil tersebut akan dilakukan sehingga PRU13 berakhir. Selain dari Wangsa Maju, Parlimen Lembah Pantai terutama sekali di bulatan Taman Lucky Garden juga dikesan bendera-bendera kecil ini.


    Isyarat-isyarat agar kekacauan dan keganasan dimulakan oleh para penyokong Pakatan Rakyat, telah diberikan oleh pucuk pimpinan. Keputusan PRU13 yang tidak memihak kepada mereka, akan dikatakan sebagai penipuan dan justeru, keganasan dan kekacauan boleh dihalalkan.


    Matlamat Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya tidak lain dan tidak bukan hanyalah untuk melakukan keganasan dan mewujudkan ketidakstabilan politik bagi memudahkan kuasa asing masuk dan menjajah negara ini. Penyertaan Pakatan Rakyat dalam Pilihanraya Umum sebenarnya hanyalah topengan memandangkan mereka lebih berminat dengan perlanggaran undang-undang.

  20. isu2 yang dimanipulasikan oleh pihak Pakatan, ternyata isu2 lapuk telah diketengahkan agar dipopularkan semula seperti isu kehilangan saham bumiputera RM52 Billion, Isu Hudud, Isu hutang negara, Isu Pembekal Kuasa Dalaman (IPP), Isu kronisme dan Isu Laporan Audit Negara. Apa yang kami tahu, insyaallah kami menjawab walaupun berulang2 kali kami memberikan penjelasan namun pihak Pakatan tetap "spin" and "spinning".

  21. cuba lihat satu eksperimen rakyat Jepun dalam soal pemerintahan negara Matahari Terbit itu.

  22. Umum mengetahui, Jepun telah menyaksikan PRU ke-46 pada 16 Disember 2012 yang lalu dimana keputusan keseluruhan PRU ke-46 kembali berpihak kepada Parti Liberal Demokratik Jepun (LDP) pimpinan Shizo Abe selepas menewaskan Parti Demokratik Jepun (DPJ) pimpinan Kaoto Kan. Dalam PRU ke-46, LDP berjaya memperolehi 294 kerusi Dewan Perwakilan (Dewan Rakyat) berbanding DPJ yang hanya memperolehi 57 kerusi sahaja manakala lain2 parti yang bertanding hanya memperolehi sekitar 10 sehingga 15 kerusi Dewan Perwakilan sahaja.

  23. Apa yang menarik perhatian saya ialah, eksperimen rakyat negara Jepun dalam PRU ke-45 yang berlaku pada 30 Ogos 2009 telah menyaksikan parti LDP selaku parti yang lama memerintah dan memodenkan Jepun selama lebih 5 dekad kecundang di tangan pihak pembangkang iaitu DPJ pimpinan Yukio Hatoyama yang memperolehi 308 kerusi Dewan Perwakilan manakala LDP pimpinanTaro Aso hanya memperolehi 119 kerusi sahaja. PRU ke-45 Jepun telah menyaksikan pertarungan 2 gergasi politik negara itu sehingga mencetuskan kebimbangan Maharaja Akihita yang meminta semua rakyat bertenang dengan keputusan luar jangkaan itu.

  24. Sebab musabab PRU ke 45 Jepun yang beralih tampuk pemerintahan adalah disebabkan oleh Manifesti DPJ iaitu dengan kata kunci "CHANGE", maka rakyat Jepun tertarik dengan tawaran manifesto itu. Dengan hanya 5 dasar yang diperjuangkan DJP dalam PRU ke-45 Jepun iaitu (1)Mengakhiri Perbelanjaan Yang Membazir, (2)Pembelaan terhadap Kanak-kanak dan pendidikan, (3)Pencen dan penjagaan kesihatan,(4) Kedaulatan Serantau, (5)Pekerjaan dan Ekonomi.

  25. apa yang terkandung dalam 5 dasar Manifesto DPJ dalam PRU ke-45 Jepun ; dasar pertama, parti DPJ BERJANJI akan mengkaji semula dasar perbelanjaan kerajaan terdahulu yang membelanjakan lebih Y207 Billion, kemudian menghapuskan cukai2 yang membazir dan mengharamkan sumbangan daripada syarikat2 korporat.

  26. Dasar kedua, DPJ BERJANJI akan membayar elaun kepada setiap kanak2 di Jepun dengan kadar elaun sbyk Y312,000 setahun sehingga mereka tamat peringkat Junior High School, disusuli dengan menawarkan Pendidikan Percuma di peringkat Sekolah Tinggi (High School) dan mengkaji pemberian biasiswa dengan lebih inklusif.

  27. Dasar ketiga, DPJ BERJANJI untuk memastikan setiap pesara dibekalkan dengan buku pencen, meminimumkan kadar pencen sekurang-kurangnya Y70,000 dan memansuhkan skim insuran kesihatan dengan menambah bilangan doktor di hospital2 sebanyak 50% !.

  28. Dasar keempat, DPJ akan membangunkan kedaulatan serantau dengan menggunakan dana daripada kerajaan, mencipta satu sistem pendapatan sokongan untuk individu yang terlibat dalam bidang pertanian dan menggiatkan ekonomi tempatan dengan penghapusan TOL dan mengkaji semula perniagaan berbentuk pos.

  29. Dasar kelima, DPJ BERJANJI mengurangkan cukai korporat ke atas perusahaan SME kepada 11%, membantu setiap pencari pekerjaan dalam latihan dengan elaun sebanyak Y100,000 sebulan, memperkasakan pernilaian terhadap kepanasan global dengan indutri baru. Itu adalah ringkasan kepada manisfesto parti DPJ sewaktu PRU ke-45 Jepun

  30. Namun, apabila mereka mendapat kuasa sebagai pemerintah Kerajaan Jepun sehingga gagal mempertahankan apa yang dikecapi adalah kerapa apa yang dijanjikan dalam PRU ke-45 GAGAL untuk ditepati. Rakyat Jepun mengkritik DPJ yang gagal memberikan elaun kepada anak2, pendidikan percuma hanya untuk peringkat Menengah Tinggi sahaja tidak meliputi peringkat rendah, menengah rendah dan universiti, gagal untuk mengekang perbelanjaan membzir sebaliknya pada era DPJ menjadi kerajaan, hutang negara Jepun terus meningkat 200% daripada KDNK negara dan menyebabkan LDP terpaksa menanggung beban kewangan yang ditinggalkan oleh DPJ. Apatah lagi, faktor penyumbang kekalahan DJP adalah disebabkan juga dengan JANJI DJP untuk menjaga kedaulatan serantau tetapi terus membenarkan US Military berkuasa di Kepulauan Okinawa, bukan sekali dua askar marin US ini membuat onar sehingga menyebabkan DPJ kalah teruk dibelasah oleh penduduk Okinawa dalam PRU 2012. Itu baru sikit faktor kekalahan DJP walhal jika mahu disenaraikan disini, perlu masa yang panjang.

  31. Apabila saya membandingkan Manifesto DPJ dalam PRU 2009 dengan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU 2013, ada persamaan dalam aspek penghapusan (Abolishment), pengurangan (Reduce), penjimatan (Retrenchment), percuma (Free) dan pemerkasaan (Revitalise). Jika dilihat secara mendalam ternyata, semua janji2 dan tawaran dalam Manifesto Pakatan sebenarnya mengundang padah kepada rakyat M'sia dalam masa sepenggal andai PR memerintah M'sia. Lihat sahaja apa berlaku dalam Manifesto di Selangor, adakah semuanya berjaya dilunaskan ?. Jika dikatakan sudah lunas, kenapa satu demi satu rakyat memfailkan saman ke atas kerajaan negeri itu dan keputusan akhirnya berpihak kepada rakyat.

  32. tertarik dengan kenyataan seorang ahli akademik dari M'sia yang berkhidmat di Shobi University yang meminta rakyat M'sia agar tidak mengulangi kesilapan rakyat Jepun dengan memilih Pakatan Pembangkang memerintah negara, hasilannya rakyat juga yg akan menanggung bahana seperti yang dilakukan oleh DPJ sepanjang 3 tahun pemerintahan mereka. Bahkan yang paling menariknya seorang penganalisis politik terkenal, Micheal J.Green telah mengkritik DPJ yang gagal dalam Revolusi Musim Sejuk dalam satu artikel yang bertajuk Japan's Confused Revolution. Termasuk juga dengan kritikan Assc. Prof Tomoki Takeda dari Daito Bunka University yang menjadikan DJP sebagai bahan lawak jenaka dalam kegagalan Reformasi Politik yang dibawa oleh pakatan pembangkang di Jepun.

  33. Kesimpulannya, tidak hairanlah jika dikatakan, memilih parti yang hanya mampu berjanji, mampu berkata-kata, ibarat menanam tebu dibibir tetai kurang dan amat cetek pengalaman mentadbir yg pada akhirnya rakyat juga yang menderita, akibat terlalu teruju untuk membuat eksperimen pertukaran kerajaan. Jangan pisang berbuah dua kali. Untuk rekod, program TRANSFORMASI oleh Kerajaan M'sia pimpinan BN ternyata amat memberikan impak kepada kestabilan negara ini bahkan berjaya meningkat pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Saya tidak berhasrat mengulas panjang program TRANSFORMASI ini memandangkan DS Mohd Najib telah membuktikan dengan 100 kejayaan yang dilakarkan dalam masa 4 tahun !.

  34. Tindak tanduk Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam membuktikan beliau tidak layak berada dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR) yang turut disertai Pas, kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin.

  35. Beliau menegaskan, jika pemimpin Pas mahu berpegang kepada ajaran Islam sebenar, mereka tidak sepatutnya bersengkongkol lagi dengan Anwar kerana Ketua Pembangkang itu secara terang-terang melakukan banyak perkara menyalahi hukum syarak.

  36. “Anwar tidak patut berada dalam pakatan pembangkang kerana beliau tidak sefahaman dengan Pas. Banyak tindakan beliau bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan hukum yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan,” katanya.

  37. Menurutnya, antara tindak tanduk Anwar yang bertentangan dengan Islam ialah sokongan beliau terhadap negara Israel dan cadangan supaya undang-undang berkaitan liwat dihapuskan.

  38. “Telah ditetapkan bahawa liwat itu bertentangan dengan tabie manusia dan perbuatan itu diharamkan, tetapi Anwar pula tidak setuju dengan hukum yang ditetapkan oleh ALLAH SWT. Perbuatan tersebut adalah satu dosa besar,” katanya.

  39. Ex-general has assured Anwar will be safely sworn in if PR wins???

    I am pretty sure (Insya Allah) that the existing Generals and the army as whole will give their vote to BN candidates. So..the "IF PR WINS" is absolutely day dreaming.

  40. Kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa yang akan berlaku nanti. Susah juga mahu ramal ni.

  41. 10 sebab Anwar tidak layak jadi PM

    1. Sokong Israel

    2. Bantuan asing (kini terbukti SUARAM)

    3. Anwar pluralisme Islam

    4. Buku Jingga manifesto akan rosakkan ekonomi negara

    5. Tiada kabinet bayangan. Siapa Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan?

    6. Sokong LGBT yang hukum haram

    7. Pembohongan 916 satu politik yang amat besar

    8. Mahu jatuhkan kerajaan guna demonstrasi jalanan ... Tahril Square

    9. Video China doll tulin dan Anwar tak jelaskan

    10.Kes liwat tak selesai daN Mahkamah Tinggi lepaskan atas teknikal

  42. Anwar tak layak jadi PM: Nalla

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk S Nallakaruppan tetap dengan pendiriannya bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak layak menjadi Perdana Menteri kerana Ketua Pembangkang itu seorang biseksual.
    Dengan nada tegas, bekas rakan karib Anwar itu berkata beliau sanggup disaman walaupun RM500 juta kerana mendakwa mempunyai bukti yang boleh menyokong kenyataannya dan bersedia mendedahkannya di mahkamah.

  43. “Saya tetap dengan pendirian bahawa seorang biseksual tidak layak jadi Perdana Menteri atau Ketua Pembangkang. Bukan di negara ini. Ini prinsip yang saya tetap pegang walaupun saya disaman RM500 juta,” katanya yang membaca kenyataan empat perenggan pada sidang media, di sini semalam.

    Hadir sama peguamnya, Datuk Seri Dr Muhammad Shafee Abdullah serta tiga Ahli Parlimen BEBAS, Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim (Bayan Baru), Datuk Zulkifli Nordin (Kulim Bandar Bharu) dan N Gobalakrishnan (Padang Serai).

  44. Sebelum ini, Anwar mengemukakan saman malu menuntut ganti rugi RM100 juta daripada Nallakaruppan yang juga Presiden Parti India Malaysia (MUIP) dan dua pihak lagi berhubung artikel dalam akhbar Utusan Malaysia yang didakwa mengaitkannya dengan aktiviti biseksual.

    Dalam pernyataan tuntutannya, Anwar berkata, semua defendan secara salah dan berniat jahat menerbitkan perkataan fitnah melalui artikel muka depan akhbar Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 20 Mac lalu bertajuk ‘Anwar biseksual, tak boleh jadi ketua pembangkang – Nalla’ dan pada muka enam bertajuk ‘Nallakaruppan tuduh Anwar biseksual.’
    Anwar mendakwa, perkataan fitnah dalam artikel itu antaranya membawa maksud beliau seorang yang tidak layak memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Pembangkang, pemimpin Muslim yang berkelakuan tidak selari dengan ajaran Islam, tidak mempunyai reputasi yang baik dan rendah moral.

    Katanya, perkataan fitnah itu adalah palsu, tidak berasas dan disiarkan dengan niat jahat serta menjejaskan dengan teruk karakter, penghormatan, reputasi peribadi, politik serta kedudukannya.

    Anwar mendakwa, beliau melalui peguam Tetuan Edwin Lim Suren & Soh pada 20 Mac lalu mengarahkan ketiga-tiga defendan menarik semula artikel berkenaan, memohon maaf dan membayar ganti rugi kepadanya tetapi sehingga kini mereka gagal berbuat demikian.

  45. Dalam sidang media itu, Nallakaruppan juga mahu perbicaraan dimulakan segera bagi membolehkan rakyat mengetahui kebenaran.

    Beliau juga mendakwa Anwar menyamannya kerana kenyataannya yang mengatakan tiada peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan bahawa seorang biseksual tidak boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri atau Ketua Pembangkang.

    “Saya tidak boleh terima seorang biseksual sebagai menantu dan saya juga tidak boleh terima seorang biseksual sebagai pemimpin,” katanya.

  46. Sementara itu Zahrain, berkata kehadiran beliau bersama pemimpin lain pada sidang media itu bagi membuktikan sokongan mereka terhadap pendedahan Nallakaruppan.

    “Kita lebih mengenali Anwar dan kita tidak mahu rakyat terus ditipu. Sebab itu saya akan bersama-sama dengan beberapa pemimpin lain untuk menjelaskannya kepada rakyat,” katanya.

  47. Pengasas PKR, Ng Lum Yong yang turut hadir pula berpendapat kes saman itu bukan antara Anwar dengan Nallakaruppan, sebaliknya antara pemimpin pembangkang itu dengan rakyat Malaysia.

    Bekas setiausaha politiknya, Annuar Shaari pula menyifatkan hubungan Anwar dengan Nallakaruppan sangat akrab dan pasti tahu banyak mengenainya.

    Bekas Naib Ketua Pemuda Keadilan, Zahid Md Arip pula secara sinis berharap Anwar tidak lagi cuba berselindung di sebalik nama besar ulama Yusof Al-Qardawi dalam menghadapi kes biseksual itu.

  48. Semakin giat nampaknya saingan antara parti.

  49. Jika keputusan tidak memihak kepada mana-mana pihak, pasti akan menyebabkan kekecohan.

  50. Alarmed at the barely-veiled intimidation, the group of retired military men have promised to use their still strong influence to ensure their former staff practiced fair play when the crunch came.

    Masing-masing memainkan peranan sudah pasti semua dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar.

  51. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:19 AM

    Jafri suggests that Anwar's misconduct should be investigated and that Malaysians need a leader of integrity and good character to succeed Mahathir.


    Jafri states that according to Khairuddin Abu Hassan, Anwar's cousin, Haji Sulaiman Palestine, Anwar's uncle had left a will before his death that Mahathir should not appoint Anwar as the Prime Minister. Instead Mahathir should appoint either Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or Sanusi Junid if he wants to safeguard the Malays, UMNO and Malaysia. Haji Sulaiman Palestine was a founder of UMNO. He was instrumental in shaping Anwar's political career and was responsible in persuading Anwar to join UMNO.



    Dr Mahathir should find a new successor after Anwar failed to improve the state's economy for the last five years.

    If Anwar remains in power, conflicts will prevail.

    Anwar's presence in UMNO is likened to Tun Perak's presence in the Malaccan Sultanate under Sultan Muzaffar Shah. According to history, Tun Perak incited the people to hate Bendahara Seri Nara DiRaja. Through his ploys, he managed to become Bendahara (Prime Minister) replacing Seri Nara DiRaja.

    Anwar had not only dropped the Malays' reputation by his immoral activities, in fact, through him Vision 2020 might not be achieved. He seldom talks about Vision 2020 since he became Prime Minister.

  52. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:22 AM


    50 REASONS

    1. Vindictive

    Anwar Ibrahim is very vindictive whether towards friends or foes. This never ending vendetta against Sanusi Junid, Rahim Tamby Chik, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and many others has made him unpopular as a leader.

  53. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:23 AM

    2. Opposition

    The attitude of opposing has become Anwar's habit since he began to be active in UMNO in 1982. In the same year that he opposed Suhaimi Kamaruddin to wrest the seat of UMNO Youth Head.

  54. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    3. Divide & Rule

    The attitude of divide and rule is Anwar's strategy to remain in power in UMNO and the government. He had the temerity to put UMNO Kedah at loggerheads when he set up a complot to oppose Dr Mahathir's proposal to appoint Sanusi Junid as Kedah Menteri Besar.

    He also gave pressure on Rahim Tamby Chik until he was forced to resign as Malacca Menteri Besar.

  55. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    4. False Oath

    Anwar had the guts to swear not to oppose Ghaffar Baba for the post of UMNO Deputy President. It turns out to be a false oath, which is cursed by God.

  56. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    5. Topple Mahathir

    He has sworn to topple Dr Mahathir's leadership in front of the late Haji Sulaiman Palestine for being detained by ISA when Dr Mahathir was Minister of Education.

  57. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:42 PM

    6. Does Not Practise What He Preaches

    Anwar has the habit of not practising what he preaches. If he talks about anti money politics, he is the one who is the head of money politics during the election for the post of UMNO Deputy President in 1993.

  58. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:42 PM

    7. Father of Corruption

    Corruption was highest when he was Minister of Finance, hence people call him Father of corruption.

  59. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    8. Broken Family

    Anwar comes from a broken family. His father Ibrahim Abd Rahman took his maid as his wife causing Anwar's mother Hajah Che Yan to live in stress and become paralysed. Mokhtar, Anwar's brother is a drug addict. The family that was once not so well off became wealthy when Anwar became the Minister for Finance.

  60. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    9. Eloped With A Young Woman

    Anwar has eloped with a young woman to wed her in Thailand. He did not get the approval from Wan Ismail, Azizah's father until Wan Ismail had to take out his pistol to chase him away from entering his house. Eventually Anwar's mother took the initiative to wed Anwar to Azizah in her house in Bukit Mertajam.

    This attitude of Anwar has shown how laws, regulations and the Malay and Islamic culture can be disregarded as long as his desires can be fulfilled.

  61. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    10. Sodomise

    There was a commotion when Anwar's secret of sodomising his driver Azizan was revealed.

    This story about Anwar sodomising is not new. It started when he was still a student in MCKK and in Universiti Malaya. Many people want to come forward to reveal Anwar's past life. Just wait

  62. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    11. Played With Someone's Wife

    The story of how Anwar Ibrahim gets involved in a sex scandal with another man's wife - the wife of his personal secretary Mohamad Azmin Bin Ali, named Madam Shamsidar Taharin had been revealed by Azmin's sister, Ummi Hafilda Binti Ali.

  63. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    12. Illegal Child

    The results of illegal sex with Shamsidar had produced a child named Afifa. Shamsidar is proud of this child because she is the child of a government big shot.

  64. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:45 PM

    13. Deprave and Unfaithful

    Anwar Ibrahim is not only unfaithful towards his wife but also a homosexual, who is cursed by God.

  65. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:45 PM

    14. Likes To Quarrel

    Anwar Ibrahim's name itself connotes that Anwar like to quarrel or make war. An War means a war in English, that is why he likes crises, quarrels, controversies and wars.

  66. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:45 PM

    15. Hiding Behind the Mask of Religion

    When Anwar became the leader of ABIM, Islamic principles were made his basis of struggle to meet his political ambition. When he joined UMNO, all the principles and Islamic struggle were only a mask whereas his actual struggle is the contrary. Anwar became a hypocrite when he led the congregational prayer and read the sermon on Friday prayers while he himself is not clean, and his morality is full of sins. His reading of the Quranic verse on The Disbelievers was wrong. This had been commented by intellectuals themselves. Anwar had always been seen wearing silk when he was leading the prayers.

  67. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    16. Transgress

    From the sins that he has committed it shows that he is a transgressor of God's law and he is not blessed to administer the country.

  68. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    17. Condemning UMNO

    When he was the leader of ABIM and a student Anwar was vocal in condemning UMNO and their leaders but after a short while he had to eat his humble pie.

  69. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    18. Leader without Vision

    Actually Anwar is a leader without a vision. His vision is seen as only wanting to become rich through corruption, power seizure through UMNO and homosexuality.

  70. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    19. Abuse Power

    Although Dr Mahathir is still the Prime Minister but in many aspects, Anwar disregard Mahathir's power and promotes his own image. For example, he acts alone in the foreign policies that have been laid down very well by Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Therefore there was a contradiction between Dr Mahathir and Abdullah's presentation and his. Anwar also used the National Order Bureau (BTN) as his political means.

  71. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    20. Has Become a US Puppet

    Many people were surprised that the US government had welcomed Anwar's arrival in the US as an eminent statesman with 21 gunshots and a red carpet. While Dr Mahathir himself had never been welcomed in such a manner. A similar welcome had been given to Boris Yeltsin, while at that time Gorbachev was the President of the Soviet Union. Soon after that, the Soviet Union broke up and Boris Yeltsin rose as the new President of Russia. Can't the US do the same thing to Malaysia? Anything can happen and the people have many impressions of Anwar when they interpret this extraordinary friendship. Is Anwar an agent of CIA?

  72. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    21. Usury

    Although Anwar as Malaysian Finance Minister failed to preserve the former excellent economic position of the country before he took charge and economic decline and crisis continued, the US evaluation of him is the reverse. Recently he was elected as the Chairman of IMF Development - the US Monetary Institution which gives loans to countries that are suffering from inflation like Indonesia, Thailand South Korea with harsh conditions. Hence, Anwar is indulgent in non-Islamic institutions that practise usury - the kind of trade condemned by God.

    In Malaysia Islamic banking may be set up and all bank transactions can be done according to Islamic standard but Anwar cannot set up Islamic banking in IMF.

  73. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    22. Lies

    99% of Anwar's life style is made up of lies. Anwar had once said that ABIM was founded by himself. He says that ABIM comes from his name Anwar Bin Ibrahim. Whereas the persons who set up ABIM were Sanusi Junid with Prof Nawawi Ghazali. Nawawi was the First President while Sanusi was the Deputy President.

  74. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    23. ABIM

    Before Anwar left ABIM, he pledged to 'ABIMise' UMNO. Therefore we can see many ABIM members joined UMNO to become Head, Deputy, Vice Head and Exco members of UMNO Division and Branch throughout the country.

  75. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    24. The Participation of 46 Party

    Anwar was not happy with the decision to bring back all members of 46 party led by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, hence he tried to stop Razaleigh from all levels so that the members of 46 party would not get any position in UMNO divisions. As a leader, it is certainly unhealthy to be vindictive whereas the members of 46 have a sincere wish to disband their party and join UMNO again

  76. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    25. Toppled People Who Had Contributed to UMNO

    Whoever is regarded as strong although they have contributed to UMNO, will find that Anwar would find ways to marginalised them and promote his own men.Among those who became his victim were Ghaffar Baba, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Sanusi Junid, Rahim Tamby Chik, Mohamad Hj Taib, Anuar Musa and Daim Zainuddin himself.

  77. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    26. Disrespectful

    Ghaffar and Dr Mahathir are two pillars of UMNO who together set up UMNO in 1946. If Ghaffar remains as Deputy President of UMNO and the Deputy Prime Minister, it is appropriate after having struggled for a long time in UMNO to fill that posts. But Anwar who had just joined UMNO rose up by discarding people who had contributed a lot to his religion, race and country. Ghaffar felt humiliated by Anwar's disrespectful attitude. This should have been made a lesson to UMNO members. Mutual respect should be observed by all.

  78. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    27. Hypocrisy

    If any leader is hypocrite he will expose many of his mistakes until his status is put at a low pedestal. Anwar has this attitude.

  79. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    28. Ravenous

    The practise that Allah has condemned (homosexuality) has put Anwar's character to the lowest level and he becomes ravenous in all cases.

  80. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    29. Forgotten His Roots

    Anwar since he was made the Minister had forgotten his roots as a champion of Islam. He leads a lifestyle that is contradictory to his former principles of struggle. If possible he wants to remain in power as an autocrat. When he was the Minister of Education, he was once invited to open a National School in Masjid Tanah, Malacca. But unfortunately he said, "do I need to come".

  81. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    30. Contradicted the Prime Minister

    Although Dr Mahathir is still the Prime Minister, Anwar has acted like the Prime Minister. Dr Mahathir's statement on a project or issue, has always been denied by Anwar or he has made contradictory comments.

  82. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    31. Anwar Controls the Media

    Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and TV3 are under Anwar's command. Once Anwar speaks, he becomes the main news in those media. Although Dr Mahathir gives more sound speeches they would be put in the second line or in the inside page.

  83. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    32. Slander

    Through those media, (Anwar) would slander some leaders until they are not given the chance to defend themselves. An example of their victim was Rahim Tamby Chik, although he had never been convicted or sentenced by the Court, Rahim was clearly accused of corruption and engaging in sexual relations with underage girls.

  84. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:54 PM

    34. Waves

    The book Waves written by Anwar describes himself as continually living in waves.

  85. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    35. The Drop of the Ringgit

    Before Anwar became Finance Minister, our ringgit value was RM2.20 compared to US$1.00. But now our position remains static at RM3.90 compared to US$1.00 As a result, cost of household products had risen to 60%. Actually Anwar's appointment as Chairman of IMF Development could influence the rise of the ringgit value but it has dropped.

  86. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    36. State's Loss

    The economic crisis continues until now because of the loss suffered by Bank Negara from RM10.1 billion to RM12.8 billion. The Bank Negara should not indulge in gambling (currency trading) but should safeguard the country's reserves. The Bank Negara has been classed as 'big bully' in the foreign exchange market until it suffers a big loss. As a result investors of foreign exchange from Europe and the US became spiteful of Malaysia's role and they reacted by attacking Malaysia's currency. Nevertheless as Finance Minister, Anwar was only capable of telling the people that we suffered a loss only on paper. This is the standard of our Finance Minister, one who has never involved in the economic sector but given financial duties, will result in further damage to the state's finance.

  87. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    37. Lesson

    Anwar Ibrahim only holds an Arts qualification in Malay Literature from Universiti Malaya. Even so, he did not pass his first year. He does not have any knowledge in trade and economy that would enable him to protect and manage the country's finance.

  88. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    38. Nepotism

    From a family that is not well off Mr Ibrahim can now marry another wife. If both wives did not give their consent, he can go to Thailand - follow Anwar's style. Rani, Anwar's brother was a bankrupt once but now he is very rich, always going out with Ku Yah. Wan Ismail, Anwar's father-in-law who wanted to shoot Anwar for eloping with Azizah, has now become obsequious to his beloved son-in-law. Wan Ismail also obtained a big reward with 30 million shares worth RM90 million.

  89. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    39. Has No Limit

    Imagine if Anwar becomes Prime Minister one day? He will not only bring Malaysia to poverty and his family becomes rich but Anwar's greed has no limit. All the buttocks of teenagers will be molested. Minister of Youth and Sports has to come up with a weekly list, providing pretty teenagers or Anwar's consumption. All the present Ministers will be sacked. Whoever offers his buttocks will become a Minister. Syed Hussein Al Attas (the writer who is not a professor) would never accept a post from Anwar because he is not a homosexual, and also not a man who goes after another man's wife. Syed Hussein also has his own morals. Others are not like him when money is offered. They will just do it.

  90. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    40. Lot's Tribe

    According to Buletin Utama news, in this city at present, there are 20,000 men who are involved in homosexual activities. The number increases from time to time and it is feared that the city will turn into Sodom village in Palestine where almost all the people practised homosexuality. This tribe of Prophet Lot did not heed the Prophet's admonition that their action was cursed by God. Finally God destroyed the whole of Sodom and killed almost all depraved men except Prophet Lot and some followers who kept their faith. We fear that if the number of these homosexuals grows bigger and cannot be controlled God would curse and destroy the people. What is perplexing is that it is not as if there weren't any beautiful women in Sodom, but the men kept looking for other men. Anwar's speciality is that he is a bisexual, much better than Lot's tribe.

  91. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    41. Unpopular With the People

    With his scandal with another man's wife, homosexuality, corruption, abuse of power, a puppet to the US, hiding behind the mask of Islam and so on, Anwar has become unpopular and will cause havoc not only to UMNO members but also to all Malaysians.

  92. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    42. Malays Became Poor

    Before Anwar became Finance Minister, many Malays enjoy wealth and comforts. But when Anwar replaced Daim Zainuddin, Malays became poor. For five years they have been waiting patiently for the economic situation to recover but the sustenance they have been waiting for has yet to come. The longer Anwar become Finance Minister, Malays will become poor. The rich will become richer including Anwar's family.

  93. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    43. The country's Future Is Bleak

    Malaysia is known worldwide because of the popularity of its Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad. In a short time Malaysia will shift from the Third World to an advanced country. The concept of Vision 2020 will make Malaysia an advanced country with a prosperous and harmonious people. Can our dreams be achieved if Anwar Ibrahim becomes the Prime Minister? Many predict that the country's future will be bleak under Anwar Ibrahim

  94. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    44. Strategy

    In this economic decline, Anwar is still capable of running his political strategy to remain in power with the agenda of toppling Dr Mahathir. Anwar wants all his generals and lieutenants to contest as Head, Deputy, Vice Head, Exco members, Head of Youth and Head of UMNO Wanita at the division level recently. Unfortunately Anwar's strategy was in vain because of several rules of UMNO Executive Council. Hence, many holding important appointments in division are not among Anwar's supporters. If Anwar's strategy had succeeded (before the Executive Council regulations) he would want to oppose Dr Mahathir in the 1999 election. Anwar wants to knock out Dr Mahathir in his hands.

  95. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    45. Spread Money

    Because of the wealth owned by Anwar and his people, every candidate who supports him in division level election will certainly win. In the election of Division Head of UMNO Langkawi in 1995, Anwar's people spread money freely merely to rob Sanusi Junid from a certain victory. The strong influence of money caused Sanusi to lose in the hands of Abu Bakar Taib, Member of Parliament of Langkawi. The same happened in Malacca recently, because of money politics, Rahim Tamby Chik lost his election for the post of Division Head of UMNO Malacca.

  96. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    46. Eating while Squatting, Eating With Chopstick

    The Malay etiquette is based on Islamic etiquette. The struggle for Islam was the basis of Anwar's struggle when he was in ABIM. But when he became Minister, the etiquette that he had been holding all these while suddenly disappeared. Anwar had been photographed eating while squatting in public and eating with chopsticks in front of the Prime Minister.

  97. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    47. The Formation of M-Ten

    Prime Minister Dr Mahathir had been too lenient with Anwar although Anwar is willing to step on his head. Dr Mahathir had been looking for ways on how to control the state's finance so that its budget can be arranged and not be spent wastefully by Anwar. Hence Dr Mahathir has set up the National Economic Action Council (M-Ten) where Daim Zainuddin is the Executive Director.

  98. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    48. A Blow to Anwar

    Actually Anwar should realise that the formation of M-Ten is a big blow to him because his credibility in running the country's finance has been doubted. If Anwar is wise and has a high moral, he should step down as Finance Minister.

  99. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:01 PM

    49. Destruction

    The unity of UMNO and the Malays which has all along been good and stable will be destroyed if Anwar is still elected as the Prime Minister replacing Dr Mahathir. This is based on facts that have been presented in this book.

  100. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:01 PM

    50. Will

    Finally the will from Haji Sulaiman Palestine to Dr Mahathir before he died. Anwar had learnt a lot from the late Haji Sulaiman, his uncle. Haji Sulaiman who was an UMNO veteran knew many secrets and weaknesses of Anwar. Because of that he had left a will stating that Dr Mahathir should not choose Anwar as Prime Minister because UMNO would shatter. Dr Mahathir had been advised by him to choose Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Prime Minister if he wants to see UMNO safe.

  101. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:01 PM



    She writes on behalf of Norlia Bte Ali, Intan, Dawini Bte Ali and Mohd Azman Bin Ali to complain about the Deputy PM's misconduct. The letter was attached with relevant documents for Mahathir's evaluation.


    It was found that Anwar is a homosexual through the confession of his former driver, Azizan Abu Bakar who is now working as a driver for Mohd Azmin Bin Ali.

    Anwar had an affair with Shamsidar Taharin, the wife of his personal secretary, Mohd Azmin Bin Ali.

    He slandered Ummi Hafilda (sister to Mohd Azmin Ali) that she had a crush on him as evidenced through her love letters sent to him.

    Betrayed his own personal assistant by his scandal with Shamsidar without the husband's knowledge.

    He insulted and humiliated the whole family of Mohd Azmin Bin Ali.

    He abused his power to cover up all the lies and immoral deeds that he had committed.

    He made fun of Islam by reading Friday sermons in mosques to give the impression that he is a devout Muslim who champions Islam.

    He has shaken the credibility of UMNO's leadership by his shameful and greedy conduct without thinking of the implication to the development of the ummah and the country.

  102. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:02 PM


    Seven reasons were given for submitting the report. Among other things, to ask the PM to investigate this complain, protect the victim's family as well as to expose and punish Anwar for his misconduct if he is found guilty.


    Details of Anwar's telephone conversation with Ummi on 9 June 1997 were transcribed to show that he had wanted to talk to Shamsidar but Ummi had picked up the telephone instead. Anwar usually called Shamsidar when her husband was fast asleep. This was revealed and testified by Aton, (the housemaid who has been working with Azmin for eight years).

    Ummi claims that Shamsidar often says that Anwar is her lover and that her youngest daughter Afifa is Anwar's child. This prompted her and the family to investigate the matter.


    Azizan Abu Bakar, Shamsidar Taharin's driver came to Ummi's office on 19 June 1997 to expose his employer's secret. Their conversation that lasted about 2 hours revolved around Shamsidar's infidelity to Azmin.


    Azizan would drive Shamsidar to Cafe Guana at Bangsar Shopping Complex whenever the meeting took place. Anwar would pick her up in a luxury car Dalmier WBV 37 that is said to belong to Dato' Nala (Executive Director of Magnum Corporation). Together they would proceed to Trivoli Villa in Bangsar for two to three hours. The time would be around 5.30 pm and usually on Wednesdays.

    Anwar often told his police escort that he wanted to play tennis with Nala at Bukit Kiara. His escorts were prohibited from joining them. This went on for a long time without Azmin's knowledge.

  103. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 3:02 PM


    Azizan recorded every meeting between them in his diary and is willing to personally hand in the document to PM Mahathir for investigation purposes.


    Azizan was the former driver to Anwar's wife, Datin Seri Azizah for four years.

    He has no motive to topple Anwar but more because of his sympathy for Mohamed Azmin Ali, whom he considered too kind and trustworthy of his wife and boss.

    He told Ummi that he resigned because he was too pressurised, angry and humiliated by Anwar's conduct.

    INCIDENT ON 30 JUNE 1997 AT 5.35 PM (MONDAY)

    Ummi received a telephone call at 5 pm from Azizan that Anwar was meeting Shamsidar at Bangsar Shopping Complex. Ummi followed Anwar and Shamsidar who proceeded to Trivolli Villa without their knowledge. Ummi was accompanied by Mohammad Azman Ali, Zamarah Lajis, Normala and Azizan Abu Bakar. Anwar and Shamsidar came out of Trivoli Villa at 7.40 pm in the same Daimler and Shamsidar alighted at Bangsar Shopping Complex where Azizan

    waited for her.

  104. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:22 PM


    On 10 July 1997, Ummi talked over the telephone with Anwar's ADC, Zul Aznam at 8.15 pm, who subtly warned her to keep this matter closed and not to tell it to anybody including her parents. After the spying incident, several accusations were directed against Ummi to cover Anwar's misdeeds. Among other things, she was accused of slandering Anwar through a poison letter that was sent to Anwar's wife, Datin Seri Azizah and his sister Hajah Halijah.

    Anwar Ibrahim also accused Ummi of having a soft spot for him through his speech with Datuk Seri Megat Junid on 2 August 1997 where he said that Ummi wanted to create a scene because her love for him was unrequited for two years. Ummi denied having written any love letters to Anwar and feared that if Anwar could create a story about love letters that never exist, he could trap her with his position and power.


    Anwar had called Azizan on 13 July 1997 after the spread of the poison letter and asked Azizan to cooperate by denying all accusations if Azmin wants to meet him face to face.

  105. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:23 PM



    In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.

    I, AZIZAN BIN ABU BAKAR, I/C 5980324 herewith swear that I had been a victim of homosexual relation with Anwar Ibrahim who is now holding the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

    This condemned act had been committed for several times around 1992 without my consent. It often happened in luxury hotels like PJ Hilton, Hyatt Saujana and Holiday Villa without his wife's or anybody's knowledge.

    For your information, I am the former chauffeur to his wife, Datin Seri Wan Azizah.

    Throughout working under Azizah and Anwar, I was often called to commit the accursed deed although for several times I tried to reject it. His ravenousness suggests that he can be considered a chronic case until I felt pressurised spiritually and mentally. Guilt finally overcame me every time I saw Datin Seri Wan Azizah who is so virtuous.

    Eventually I decided to stop from continually becoming the slave of Anwar Ibrahim's homosexuality.

    Once again in the name of God the Al-Knowing, I swear that I am making this confession without any ulterior motive whether personally or politically to topple him. This confession is made based on my awareness and the desire to uphold the truth in order to save oppressed victims like me. I don't mind to be called to explain the situation in details. Finally I hope the relevant authorities will take this view seriously so that this leader may be punished accordingly for the sake of goodness and as a lesson for other leaders. In the name of Allah, once again I, Azizan Bin Abu Bakar swear that all the above statements were made with my consent without any instigation, demand and pressure from any parties.

    Everything is true for the sake of protecting my race and country. Amin.

  106. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    CHAPTER 19


    This open letter to the PM basically warns Mahathir about Anwar's hypocrisy. Among other things, the writer claims that Anwar is only pretending in supporting Mahathir. Behind Mahathir, Anwar instigates his followers to criticise Mahathir. According to the writer, Anwar uses the media to criticise Mahathir through his friends like Dato Nazeri Abdullah from Berita Harian and Johan Jaafar from Utusan Malaysia.

  107. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:27 PM

    CHAPTER 20


    According to Jafri, Mohd Asroh Bin Mat Som, the second highest official at the Publication Unit of the Home Ministry, is actually anti-Mahathir. Asroh always wants Dr Mahathir to be criticised and not Anwar.

  108. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    CHAPTER 21


    Prior to the UMNO General Assembly in 1993 two camps were formed. One is Anwar Ibrahim's camp and another one is Ghaffar Baba's camp. Anwar Ibrahim, who was then a Vice President, had challenged Ghaffar for the Deputy President post. Thus, Anwar gathered his supporters including many Menteris Besar, Chief Ministers, Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers and many Division Heads. Since most members at the division level had nominated Anwar, Ghaffar had to withdraw from the election. In the book Tuntutan Perjuangan Bangsa, Sanusi Junid among other things says:

    The one who has expressed his wish to contest today, is only Ghaffar Baba.

    He is contesting to maintain his post but from the floor some havepushed for Ghaffar's post to be contested. The contest this time is a contest between corruption and integrity. The contest this time round is a contest between money and values. The contest this time round is a contest between self-interests and the interests of the race. Some say that we need reforms. What reforms? Reforms of the State or reforms of one's position?

    Jafri's comment:

    Anwar Ibrahim was associated with the Corruption Camp while Ghaffar Baba was associated with the Integrity Camp.

    It was during the 1993 election that money politics was rampant before the issue surfaced in later years.

  109. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    CHAPTER 22


    Sanusi believes that in any organisation, relations between the head and his deputy should be solid before anything good can come out of the leadership. He suggests that if both the head and his deputy were aggressive, there would be friction. Sanusi argues that the partnership between Mahathir and Ghaffar Baba was good because Mahathir is aggressive while Ghaffar is relaxed. This chapter also deals with Sanusi's views that some influential Malays control the media, namely Berita Harian, New Straits Times and TV3 after getting a loan of RM800 million from several banks. Sanusi claims that if any reporter from these media reports anything favorable about him, the reporter would either be transferred to different departments or be sacked.

  110. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    CHAPTER 23


    Anwar's decision to contest for UMNO's Deputy President post is viewed by Jafri as unethical because the DPM had earlier on promised not to challenge Ghaffar Baba for that post.

  111. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    CHAPTER 25


    This chapter traces the development of major incidents in Malaysia that happened every 18 years. For instance, the British introduced the seeds of racism into Malaya in 1933 where the Malays, Indians, and Chinese were separated in terms of settlement and types of occupation. Eighteen years later in 1951, the British presumably contributed to the break up of Malay unity when PAS was formed. Eighteen years later in 1969, the famous May 13 incident happened. Among other things, Sanusi suggests that the cause of the conflict was the collapse of the Malay political power.

    When the Malay political power is affected, I was informed that DAP members at that time, full of enthusiasm and zest had gone to the house of Selangor Menteri Besar and urinated at the flagpole of the Menteri Besar's house. That was the reason why the Malays were so furious until it led to the bloody May 13 incident.

  112. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    CHAPTER 26


    Jafri states that Kubang Krian Member of Parliament Haji Mohamad Sabu had brought up this issue at the Parliament in April 1998. An extract of his speech was quoted from Harakah, 17 April 1998. Among other things, he said, "For instance, in the past the Prime Minister mentioned that the government would continue with the RM11 billion project in Langkawi, the next day the Deputy Prime Minister said they would not continue with the project."

  113. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:32 PM

    According to Jafri, he is preparing to write a book on Zahid to let people know that Zahid's leadership is like a street medicine peddler. A LITTLE BIT KHALID JAFRI was a journalist with Utusan Melayu group for 17 consecutive years (1963-1980). Initially he worked as a sports writer and covered a lot of international sports events. Among other things, the SEAP Games/SEA Games 1969 in Rangoon, Burma, Manila, Bangkok, Jakarta and Singapore. The Olympic Games in Munich, Germany 1972 and Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada 1976. In Olympic Montreal as Manager of the bicycle racing team besides doing sports reports for Utusan. In sports activities, he founded the Malaysian UMNO Youth Sports Council as the first Secretary and successfully organised the first UMNO Youth Sports Carnival, in which all countries in the Peninsula participated in the early 1970s. Later he became Head of Utusan's Bureau in Johor, after attending the Montreal Olympic. He continued to serve in London as Utusan's correspondent. He once worked on a part-time basis in BBC London. On returning from London in early 1978, he was appointed as Magazines Group Editor - the first appointment that was created. In social activities, he founded the Malaysian Entertainment Journalists' Association (EJA) and was elected as its first President and also founded the first Malaysian Film Festival in support of developing the country's film industry. The Film Festival continues until now.

  114. 50 Reason Anwar Cannot be PM!October 21, 2013 at 5:33 PM

    He also founded the establishment of the Utusan Melayu National Union of Journalist (NUJ) as the first Secretary and was a committee member of the National NUJ. He also founded the Utusan Family Body as Chairman. He was former Vice-President of the Malaysian Bicycle Racing Association and President of the Johor Bicycle Racing and founded the Johor Journalists' Association. After he left Utusan in 1980, he published his own magazines like DEWI, WIDURI, POPULAR, BOLA SEPAK, TRAVEL ADVISER, MINGGUAN SUKAN, TELATAH OLOK-OLOK, PERKAHWINAN, MOTOR and ERA EKONOMI newspaper. And the most popular is Mingguan Perdana, which was published in 1983 until it reached 400 thousand copies a week. He is the first reporter who publishes a daily newspaper that is HARIAN NASIONAL.

  115. The government has allocated RM296 million to absorb the cost of transportation to rural areas in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan in order to standardise the prices of goods.

  116. Deputy Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Ahmad Bashah Hanipah said RM60 million of the amount was for transport costs to Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M), Kedai Coop 1Malaysia and for the produce of Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (Fama).

  117. Ahmad Bashah said the price standardisation programme benefited an estimated 44.5 million rural folk, particularly in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan as well as several areas in Peninsular Malaysia.


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