Thursday, April 22, 2010


THE issue on the lack of teachers in the Chinese government aided primary schools in Sabah was brought up by the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Dr. Hiew King Cheu recently in Parliament. He asked the Minister of Education (KPM) Dato’ Muhyiddin Yassin on the reason why there is not enough teachers in these schools and the problem persisted for such a long time.

The minister in his written reply said this is widely due to the selected trainees for the teacher training course does not accept the terms of the training program and its contract, or stop half way. For example in 2009, there is 797 applicants rejected the offer and only 8,185 person being registered for the training.

This is because some of them have been given higher paid jobs else way and some joined JPA, MARA, Petronas or other private agencies. For those who terminated their training, are in breach of the agreement and contract and do not wish to serve under the KPM.

Under the program “Excellent Student Program”, from the 140 people sent oversea to study in 2003, only 73 persons managed to complete the training in 2009 and serve with KPM. Also the subjects offered for the trainee teachers were often not accepted and supported by the trainees who are selected and qualified to undertake such subjects.

As for the people who are not in the teaching profession and in their 40’s and wish to become a teacher, they are not qualified to be selected to be trained as a teacher. This is because there is an age limit of not more then 40. The ministry is at the moment considering a new ruling to allow them to be trained as a teacher.

KPM is looking seriously on the shortage of teachers in the government aided Chinese primary schools which includes the teacher appointment on various grades, posting and exchange, and creating new positions. In the case of further lack of the teachers, the department will have to agree to allow on the engagement of untrained temporary teachers, “Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT)” to fill up the shortages and vacancies.

In connection to the complaints towards the Principal in the SK Cina in Luyang, he said the Ministry has conducted investigation, and through the Education Department in Sabah (JPN), the said Principal is carrying out her duty as stipulated by the department accordingly and following the procedures and rules of the department.

She is merely trying to put right the administration system of the school according to the system and power given to her. KPM found that the issue of transferring her is not necessary at the moment. She should be given time and a chance and room to put right what ever is lacking, the slackness, and on all further improvement in the school.

The reply from the ministry shows that they have certain problem to deal with the lack of teachers, and the issue is not being given full attention. This can be seen from the trainees refused to accept the terms and condition of the contract, on why they left training half way to go for higher pay with better condition of work, and why many trainees under scholarship did not complete their training.

The ministry should review and consider new measures to make the teaching profession more attractive and with high rewards. An improved teaching profession guidelines and system should be immediately drawn up to secure the teachers to stay on to educate our future generations.


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  1. Well, this issue has been going out for quite some time. The only thing I don't understand is, why most of Sabahan teachers are being transferred to another states?

  2. Yup..and lots of teachers from peninsular Malaysia came here and enjoying the big amount of allowance.....

  3. there's many efforts that the government already created to fulfill our needs in education including for the teachers..more allowance had been given to them but still not attractive..what the issue is why there's many student that been given scholarship etc by the government not completing their study??? this matter which led to the lack of teachers not just in chinese sjk but also in SMk, SRK etc...government had been tried hard to attract our educated youth to join and serve our future generations but still not enough...this responsibility in not just government burden but also we specially students to response to the call by the government to meet the needs of our society...

  4. Make sure the trainees are willing to accept the terms and conditions before giving them scholarships, it will be a waste of time and money if the trainees left the training half way.

  5. yes, agree with roxy...also put this in the T&C for the scholarship 'NO withdraw before completing the study or training'...

  6. People who wish to be hired as teachers cannot be over 40? The ministry of education should hired these people as part timers until the day when younger people who are offered can replace the job. Well, just hope the education ministry can do what best for the schools and people.

  7. the government is still considering to allow the people (40++) who is not in the education profession but interested to be one, to be train...people who don't know how to teach, how can they will get hired?? that's why they will be train first (just like the KPLI) ...hopefully the government will take this as an opportunity to strengthen our education for the sake of our future generation...

  8. survey the main causes of these problems occur first and create solutions based on it.

  9. Based on what I've read in the news today, they are not accepting teachers who are non Chinese..I hope it wasn't true.It seems that, they are way too far in judging your races instead of education putting first.

  10. HUrm. I notice Chinese school lacks of teachers. Hurm..

  11. Find solutions and solved this matter fast. That is what the Govt should do.

  12. I agree with ahmad.. The Minister of Education should find a quick solution to solved this problems to make sure our future generation get a better education.

  13. yup...this issue should be solve faster and holistic with an effectively and efficiently methods...

  14. They need to take a look on the procedures first. It might be the cause of everything.Grassroot voices are deemed to be heard.

  15. The conclusion is to find people who are really committed to join the training, rather than people who are just hangat-hangat tahi ayam.

  16. If the law allows people over 40 to become teachers, it might not be a bad thing either. Since there are some retirees who are still interested to work, and elders usually have more life experiences who can guide our youngsters.

  17. Government should stick to the law, allow people that wants to work for some money after retirement. Those retired teachers can help to teach the students as they may have experiences.

  18. Personally I think it is better to call the chairman out. Ask him and we will know the real case.

  19. Kalau insentif yang ditawarkan oleh kerajaan tidak menarik...lebih baik bekerja di sektor-sektor yang menawarkan gaji lumayan. Kekurangan guru di SJK cina menunjukkan fenomena pihak berwajib harus mengkaji isu gaji yang lebih menarik untuk menarik lebih ramai guru untuk bekerja dengan KPM...Secara logiknya, kalau gaji tinggi....itu yang dipilih. Buat apa penat-penat jadi guru kalau gaji yang ditawarkan kecil ditambah lagi dengan karenah murid-murid yang nakal???

  20. Payment plays an important role in every job that we do. Besides interest, payment should be the second thing that every people see before do a job. Therefore, KPM should find people who interested in teaching in same way try to increase the payment of teacher to reduce the shortage of teacher in our country.

  21. gaji dan elaun guru kini telah ditambah berikutan permintaan dari golongan profesion ini...bakal guru haruslah mengambil peluang ini sebaik-baiknya kerana kini gaji guru adalah tinggi...jangan jadikan profesion ini sebagai pilihan terakhir.

  22. ' Chinese schools should be blamed for the lack of teachers', said State Education Director Muhiddin Yisin.

  23. Yes, Noemi. We should find the real cause behind all these things.

  24. true Miera...don't just put all the blame to govt because there's many efforts had been done to attract the U student etc to serve as teacher not just at SJKC but also other schools...the real cause must be find and not pointing fingers to one another....

  25. Hiew once again lashed the Education Department about this matter.

  26. however, lack of teachers in SJK will be solve by the education department...The State Education Department will be holding its meet-the-customers sessions from May 8 this year to July 2, 2011 throughout the district in Sabah...this is a change to discuss how to solve the problem between the education department and people (teachers/parents etc..)


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