Thursday, March 25, 2010


SABAH DAP Keningau, Paul Kadau regretted that the Organizing Committee of the 8th Kalimaran Festival has fixed the date of the festival from 2nd to 4th April, 2010. He said he respected and supported that Kalimaran Festival should be held every year but must be at the appropriated date and should not crashed with any other festive event especially Religious Event.

He pointed out that 2nd of April is Good Friday, 3rd of April is Holy Saturday and 4th of April is Easter Sunday, all the Christians will be busy celebrating these important events and he also know that some of the Murut people are Christians likewise, they would be busy on this particular date.

However, he continued it could be that the organizing committee of the 8th Kalimaran Festival did not realized that 2nd to 4th of April are Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Ester Sunday. So he urges them to consider changing the date of the 8th Kalimaran Festival into later date so that all the other race who are Christians can have the time to come and celebrate with the Murut community at the Kalimaran Festival.

He hoped that his suggestion of changing the dates would not be misinterpreted as if he is against holding Kalimaran Festival but is fact by changing the date more people can come and would be more merrier and meaningful. -Sabahkini

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  1. saya bersetuju juga agar tarikh dipinda. supaya semua orang boleh merayakan hari tersebut.

  2. yup me 2.. memang sukar merayakan 2 perayaan dalam masa yang sama atau salah satu terpaksa diabaikan. suasana perayaan lebih bermakna dan meriah jika tidak bercampur aduk dengan perayaan lain.

  3. biar cuti lebih panjang bah. hehehe...kenapa mereka tidak pertimbangkan dulu sambutan pesta kalimaran dengan perayaan2 lain? kalau boleh, dorang buat la hari lain sebab anak buah saya mau juga melawat tempat pesta dan pergi melawat auntie dia yang sambut easter tu.

  4. Kena pilih la mana satu yang kena pergi? dan jika tarik tersebut boleh dipindahkan, itu lebih baik...

  5. tukar la ke tarikh yang sesuai. camna mo sambut sekaligus.

  6. adei... pening aku.. mana mo urus anak sambut Easter day di rumah pastu mo urus prop lagi. jangan jadi isu lg bah. nnt kuar crita kerajaan tidak hormat kaum menyambut perayaan agama. bleh jd isu ni.

  7. It's better to change the festival to other date. Besides, how to celebrate all in one?..:)

  8. Bagus juga kalau dipinda.. supaya semua org boleh join ba.. baru lah aramai tii!! hehehe

  9. Bagus juga kalau dapat dipinda.. Malah saya yakin ramai yg harap tarikhnya dipinda.. Tapi tu la kalau nda dapat dipinda pun apa boleh buat lah... hehhee

  10. Ada perkembagan?? macam mana? adakah tarikh tersebut telah diganti???

  11. I only heard about the Kalimaran Festival this year while I was in Tenom. It was fascinating, so I just had to highlight the festival here,


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