Thursday, October 30, 2014

Six days of darkness, NASA says not gonna happen

For the last several days we are being bombarded about the six days of darkness that is set to ‘darken the whole world’. There are reports –and by the way almost every newspaper and website has covered it –that more than ninety percent of the earth will be darkened by the absence of sunlight.
The rumors suggest that the sunlight will not reach the earth due to the massive solar storms and flares that will be hitting the sun for more than two hundred hours in one stretch.

These rumors claim that these solar storms will be so much powerful that a look of complete pitch-dark night will descend all over the earth. Many such rumors ask people to stock all the essentials as due to the continuous night for over six days shopping malls and local stores will not remain open.

The fact that the solar surface is experiencing one of the worst solar storms these days might have convinced many people to believe the report. Last week, there were three massive x-class solar flares and their impact was felt on earth as they caused radio blackout over a large area.

But thankfully this is just a rumor and there is no truth in it. ‘Six days of total darkness’ is nothing but hoax and NASA has said that it is not going to happen not just thins year but in our whole life time and the lifetimes of many a generations to come. But despite strong rebuttal from NASA, the hoax is spreading like wildfire and the whole world seems to be talking about it right now.

There are rumors doing the rounds for the last several weeks that in December this year, the whole world will remain without sun coming out even for minutes. Many people had warned that the difference between day and night will be blurred and that it will be very difficult to differentiate as to whether it was day or night.

Had it been true, it wouldn’t have been less than catastrophic. While NASA has debunked it as completely baseless people are not believing the rebuttal. A user on a social networking site says, “Unfortunately, people are going to find out very soon that this information is FAR from a hoax.

Likely the public is being tested on reactions before the real “actual” news is revealed that this event will happen in the near future. So laugh all you want now but when the truth comes out, try to keep a level head about it. There is likely nothing that can be done to prevent what is coming so stay calm and carry on. Help those around you and do the best you can do”. There are many others who are also talking in the same way.

Though there were confusion about the origin of the rumor, but now it is clear as to who started it. The origin of the ‘news’ has now been confirmed to be a satirical news site The website is not just spreading rumors about the impending six days of the darkness across the world, it is also asking its Facebook and Twitter users to post whatever trash they can post on their walls and write everywhere they could. In a report on its website, it tries to make the rumor real.

The report says, “NASA has confirmed that the Earth will experience 6 days of almost complete darkness and will happen from the dates Tuesday the 16 – Monday the 22 in December. The world will remain, during these three days, without sunlight due to a solar storm, which will cause dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus, block 90% sunlight…This is the head of NASA Charles Bolden who made the announcement and asked everyone to remain calm. This will be the product of a solar storm, the largest in the last 250 years for a period of 216 hours total”.


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