Monday, July 22, 2013

Americk takes Ops Scorpene back in time to the night of the Altantuya murder

Americk takes Ops Scorpene back in time to the night of the Altantuya murderSUARAM's latest Ops Scorpene fundraiser turned out to be a thriller, thanks to a scintillating talk by Americk Sidhu, the lawyer for the late P.I. Bala.

Guests who attended listened with pin-drop silence as Americk spoke of the night the 28-year Mongolian lady Altantuya Shaariibuu was killed by two of Prime Minister Najib Razak's ex-bodyguards - Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar.

Basing his talk on a police statement made by one of the bodyguards, Americk took the audience back in time to October 18, 2006.

It was on that fateful night that Altantuya had been tricked into following the duo to a jungle clearing in Shah Alam. She had asked for permission to urinate, and then sensing they were out to kill, she pleaded for mercy, telling them that she was pregnant.

But the duo took no notice. She was "wrestled to the ground" by Azilah and shot in the left side of the head twice by Sirul.

Both men are now appealing the death sentence meted out to them.

Altantuya was "officially" the translator for Razak Baginda, Najib's close associate and a negotiator in the Malaysian government's purchase of 2 Scorpene submarines from French firm DCNS.

The link to Najib

The deal that had been approved by Najib who was then the Defense minister. It was Najib's silence and the government's refusal had prompted SUARAM to file a complaint in the French courts, where a hearing is midway.

"SUARAM took a bold step in 2009 to pursue the corruption case involving the purchase of two SCORPENE submarines by the Malaysian Ministry of Defence from the French supplier, DCNS. The decision to lodge a corruption complaint in the French court was because SUARAM faced brickwall after brickwall from the Malaysian authorities," SUARAM had said in a statement.

"From the complaint lodge and after almost two years of initial investigations, the French authorities found enough evidence to appoint two judges to lead a court inquiry as per the French Judicial System.

"Malaysians were filled with excitement, hope and encouragement that the truth may finally be revealed, even though if it is through an overseas court. As expected, the legal journey is a long and slow process and meanwhile the EURO 3,000 a month retainer fee for our French legal team needs to be paid."

Hot details comng out from Hong Kong

Last night's dinner was warmly attended and although it was not packed - perhaps because of the fasting month - the majority of the tables appeared to have been taken up.

Part of the reason is also that most Malaysians know that while the French hearing is ongoing, SUARAM will not be able to release as many new details as it may want to.

"Although there have been slow but positive developments on the French side, the OpsScorpene Team is unable to reveal too much at any point in time as it may derail the court process," said SUARAM.

"The French courts have received great cooperation from the Hong Kong authorities in revealing the movements of illicit funds. Many names of individuals and companies have surfaced linking to politicians and political parties," it added.

Malaysia Chronicle

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